*SEE HERE to pronounce vowels correctly
Lesson 1: | Greeting Phrases and Polite Responses |
merien ţii 1: មេរៀនទី១: |
br youq quorsm nig kar zleuytb ប្រយោគគួរសម និង ការឆ្លើយតប |
whole conversation
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 7: Failed to connect to port 80 after 210 ms: Couldn't connect to server
you | jḿ rabsuor ជំរាបសួរ hello |
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 7: Failed to connect to port 80 after 103 ms: Couldn't connect to server |
man’s reply |
baţ jḿ rabsuor បាទ ជំរាបសួរ hello |
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 7: Failed to connect to port 80 after 104 ms: Couldn't connect to server |
young to old | jḿ rabsuor louk·óooḿ ជំរាបសួរ លោកអឨុំ |
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 7: Failed to connect to port 80 after 103 ms: Couldn't connect to server |
older person’s reply | baţ jḿ rabsuor បាទ ជំរាបសួរ |
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 7: Failed to connect to port 80 after 104 ms: Couldn't connect to server |
young to very old | jḿ rabsuor loukta ជំរាបសួរ លោកតា |
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 7: Failed to connect to port 80 after 103 ms: Couldn't connect to server |
old person’s reply | leuk dei ŧvayprħ លើកដៃថ្វាយព្រះ |
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 7: Failed to connect to port 80 after 105 ms: Couldn't connect to server |
you | suosdii សួស្ដី |
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 7: Failed to connect to port 80 after 104 ms: Couldn't connect to server |
man’s reply |
baţ suosdii បាទ សួស្ដី |
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 7: Failed to connect to port 80 after 103 ms: Couldn't connect to server |
you to woman | jḿ rabsuor ជំរាបសួរ |
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 7: Failed to connect to port 80 after 104 ms: Couldn't connect to server |
woman’s reply |
cas jḿ rabsuor ចាស ជំរាបសួរ |
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 7: Failed to connect to port 80 after 110 ms: Couldn't connect to server |
you to same age | suosdi សួស្ដី |
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 7: Failed to connect to port 80 after 105 ms: Couldn't connect to server |
woman’s reply |
cas suosdii ចាស សួស្ដី |
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 7: Failed to connect to port 80 after 104 ms: Couldn't connect to server |